Tuesday, January 28, 2014

When I am weak, He is Strong

(written on January 8th)

I am about to board my international flight to London and then onto Venice. The reality is just starting to hit me that I will actually be in Italy for 6 months. It sounds like such a long time as I say goodbye to friends and family but then I reflect on the fact that from the perspective of eternity it is merely a blink. What will this incredible adventure mean when it’s over? I don’t want a single moment to pass me by. My very best friend, Kaitlyn, reminded me of this last night as I was worrying about having too much free time while I’m there. She spoke right to my heart, saying “Go over there and fall back in love with life. Take in the details, smell the roses that you would normally pass by, listen to people laugh. But most of all fall in love with yourself and your surroundings.” Whoa, that’s exactly what I needed to hear. Kaitlyn has been my rock for as long as I can remember; every one of my childhood memories includes her-most likely her being a diva. Our friendship is the coolest connection that I’ve ever had and I can’t help but think that isn’t by accident. Kaitlyn and I have been through a lot together and her life is a miracle. God created us for this kind of community.  How great is our God that he knows exactly what we are troubled with and calms our fears and blesses us with rich friendship!
“A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24

(written on January 11th)

I am now with my family in Thiene, Italy about an hour from Venice. The last 48 hours have been more difficult than I would have ever imagined. In an effort to be transparent I want to not only share with you the wonderful things that are surely yet to come, but also share the low points and struggles. Although my new host family is very nice, my heart is back home with my mom and brother. No one will ever come close to replacing them in my heart and I have truly come to understand that my home is wherever they are. At the moment, 6 months feels like an eternity away and my heart gets so heavy when I think of the time that separates us. The hardest time for me is at night when the house is quiet and I am begging for sleep to come.
Today- Saturday, January 11th, the family took me to Verona to explore the city. It was wonderful, I had such a good time with the family and I am much more comfortable around them now. I got to see the old coliseum in Verona, explore all of the shops and even have my first Italian gelato! Also, I got to visit the house and balcony of Juliette from Shakespeare! I know that these difficult days will end soon and I know that the Lord will steady me through them. There is nothing more powerful than prayer and support and encouragement from friends.
My mom shared this quote with me this morning and it made me stop and laugh and it gave me a little bit of comfort.
“On particularly rough days when I’m sure I can’t possibly endure, I remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is 100% and that’s pretty good.” 

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